
George Jagatic and Jerry Marzinsky

Jerry Marzinsky and George Jagatic join us for a deep discussion about the Entities behind the Voices which those diagnosed with Schizophrenia hear inside their heads.
George Jagatic has learned how to prevent the Voices from being a disruptive influence in his life. […]


Jerry Marzinsky Behind Dark Thoughts

Jerry Marzinsky returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss what he knows about the malign influence exerted by the Dark Entities behind the Intrusive Thoughts. These entities manifest an astonishing amount of understanding and insight into the past and present life of the people they are manipulating. […]


Stone Hobbit Frequency War Interview

Stone Hobbit returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the various and sundry ways the control system seeks to keep people from realizing their true potential and from attaining greater conscious awareness. Stone Hobbit is a survivor of SRA and has had numerous ET contacts and experiences with Elementals. She has witnessed UFOs on many occasions. […]


James Bartley Commentary 42

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. James Bartley discusses the Mass Hosting Phenomena which in various ways is being described by Surface […]

Hearing Voices

Jerry Marzinsky Interview

Jerry Marzinsky makes a good case that voices that schizophrenics hear in their head are the voices of spirits and not hallucination. Jerry Marzinsky is a licensed Mental Health Practitioner and Counselor who has spent over thirty five years in the Mental Health field in Georgia and Arizona. Jerry Marzinsky also talks about the fraud going in the field of psychiatry. […]

Free Masons

Stone Hobbit Interview

Stone Hobbit is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mind Control. She has had many encounters with different entities both positive and negative entities some of which were working through various cult members. I […]