The Stick Structures
LeeAnn Carnegie, a Sasquatch Investigator specialising in recording vocalisations and locating Sasquatch Stick Structures, talks about her two Sasquatch encounters, an amazing UFO sighting, her ability to dream herself into other times and places and the various and sundry ways particular Sasquatch Tribes have welcomed her into their world. LeeAnn Carnegie’s YouTube Channel is: Southern Ontario Sasquatch. LeeAnn Carnegie is a colleague of veteran Sasquatch Investigator Mike Paterson.
In Part 2 LeeAnn Carnegie discusses her theories on what the Stick Structures created by the Sasquatch represent. She also talks about a Sasquatch/UFO experience she had with a fellow Sasquatch Investigator in Utah. LeeAnn also shares a remarkable story of how large marbles owned by fellow Sasquatch investigator Mike Paterson came into LeeAnn’s possession even though Mike and LeeAnn live in different parts of Ontario and the role the Sasquatch played in it.