A Lecture Presentation by JamesBartley at The Beacon Center at 4505 West Hacienda Ave Ste G2 Las Vegas Nevada 89118 on SaturdayJuly 30th 2022.
12:30PM to 3:30PM
The Subject of JamesBartley‘s Lecture is The Reptilian Overlordship and Military Subservience to the Reptilians. This will be a comprehensive Power Point Presentation intended to bring people up to date as far as the reptilian control of this planet is concerned.
James discusses the Lions Gate Portal of energy streaming in from the Galactic Core and routed through the Constellation of Leo, Sirius and our Sun. These energies are competing with the negative energies being spewed out from the lower dimensions and working through the hybrid minions on the Surface. James talks about a false pretext for war with North Korea and perhaps China. […]
Fringe, a former Law Enforcement Officer (LEO)for almost twenty years, is a lifelong Alien Abductee. Her husband is also a retired LEO who served for thirty years in Law Enforcement and is also an Alien […]
Lea Kapiteli returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss her incarnation on
Atlantis during which Atlantean civilization corrupted from within and eventually was destroyed due to misuse of crystal power. Lea talks about life as a second class “Mundane” who had little or no psychic ability. She talks about the difficulties she had with her powerful matriarch mother and her sibling rivalry with her very psychic half sister. […]
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Hi, James.
Thank you for posting this. I always enjoy your interviews and have found them to be extremely enlightening. You and your guests have helped me to put into context many of the events of my life.
It was nice to hear you “solo” for an extended amount of time.
Hi, James.
Thank you for posting this. I always enjoy your interviews and have found them to be extremely enlightening. You and your guests have helped me to put into context many of the events of my life.
It was nice to hear you “solo” for an extended amount of time.
I tried to watch the lecture… Posted my user name and password and it wouldn’t take it.
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