
Logan Lucid Dreaming ETs Underground Bases

Logan is a Milab, ET Abductee, Lucid Dreamer and Alternate Reality/Timeline “Jumper.” In Part 1 Logan talks about his efforts to refine his lucid dreaming technique and how development of this skill enabled him to remember his dreams, alter the outcome of dreams and have better recall of some of his Milab and Alternate Reality Experiences. […]

Alien & UFO Sightings

Alan Godfrey Interview

Alan Godfrey is a retired Police Constable from England who has written a book about an Alien Abduction experience and the subsequent harassment he endured. Alan also talks about a strange death he investigated which may be UFO related. In Part 1 Alan talks about his investigation into a possible UFO related death. He also discusses his alien abduction experience. […]

Alien Abductions

Mike Clelland Intervew

Mike Clelland,Accounts of Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality,” discusses his ET Experiences and how they led to the realization that Owls figure prominently in the lives of many Alien Abductees. Owls also represent a Hidden Reality and sometimes manifest themselves in a synchronistic way. This Hidden Reality is all around us and sometimes it manifest itself to us in startling and mystical ways. […]


James Bartley Inteview Milab Ops

James Bartley is interviewed about the various types of Training abductees and milabs receive. James discusses the differences between training given by ETs, by the Military and training which is set up by our higher selves. James also discusses various forms of alien manipulation including stage managed dreams. […]