
Ryan Phillips Dissolving the Matrix

Ryan Phillips is an Alien Abductee from the U.K. Ryan has had a lifetimes worth of unusual experiences including Missing Time Experiences and Astral Abductions. Ryan shares some of paranormal experiences he’s had and his Thoughts on this global control system. […]


Jordan Maxwell Interview

Jordan Maxwell talks about the nature of control here on Planet Earth. In response to a question about covert non-human control Jordan discusses the ways and means in which humans are essentially tagged from birth and turned into a corporate entity by this Matrix of Control. Note the similarity to the late great Charles Fort’s summation that Humans are unaware they are being farmed and domesticated. […]


Wake Up Call: Someone is knocking at the Door

Robert Stanley returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the worldwide anomaly on November 11th 2018 when an anomalous seismic event occurred which lasted for twenty minutes and was registered by seismic recording stations all over the world. Robert feels it is a Wake Up Call from the Benevolent ETs for Humanity to Wake Up from its Slumber and to finally throw off the shackles of this Cosmic Vassalage Humanity is currently struggling with. […]


Asherah Interview

Asherah, a Leonine Human Hybrid and Milab, discusses her Time Slip and Timeline Merging Experiences growing up in the East Coats of the USA. In Part 2 Asherah talks about her cat which was actually a Leonine Humanoid Watcher tasked with watching over Asherah. Asherah also talks about two key UFO sightings one of which had radical physiological effects on her. Asherah also talks about her many Milab experiences. […]