James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years.
James Bartley talks about the False Flag Attack in Las Vegas, The U.S. going off the Gold Standard, the Petrodollar Recycling Scheme, the 1973 Yom Kippur War and much more.
In Part 2 James Bartley discusses upcoming shows involving milabs and the subjects that will be discussed. James will bring a number of milabs to The Cosmic Switchboard Show as guests.
In Part 1 James Bartley discusses China, Iran and current events in the United States. In Part 2 James Bartley continues his discussion about China and Iran. James also discusses what may happen if military […]
Stone Hobbit returns to The Cosmic Switchboard Show to discuss the various and sundry ways the control system seeks to keep people from realizing their true potential and from attaining greater conscious awareness. Stone Hobbit is a survivor of SRA and has had numerous ET contacts and experiences with Elementals. She has witnessed UFOs on many occasions. […]
James Bartley discusses Afghanistan, China and the U.S. Military. […]
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1 Comment
Right on James… looking forward to those upcoming and timely interviews with Milabs. Tks for all you do. Btw really enjoyed the interview with Lorena…a lot of revealing and surprising info was shared. it’s quite shocking what goes on unbeknownst to the majority of people.
Right on James… looking forward to those upcoming and timely interviews with Milabs. Tks for all you do. Btw really enjoyed the interview with Lorena…a lot of revealing and surprising info was shared. it’s quite shocking what goes on unbeknownst to the majority of people.