
Commentary 76 The Power of the Heart Centre

James Bartley talks about the Power of Heart Centre. The Powers that be go to extreme lengths to shut down the heart centre of Humans. James also discusses the “Breed Out The Love Program” described by Barbara Bartholic because it is related to the Power of the Heart Centre. […]


Commentary 75: The Siege

James Bartley discusses the Siege Mentality wrought by this all out onslaught against the Human Race, citing historical parallels. James also discusses a way to overcome the Defeatist Mentality. James also talks about a “Resistance Movement” which might be a modern day version of The Trust which was a Soviet Era CHEKA inspired Counterintelligence Double Cross. James also talks about the impact of the Doolittle Raid on April 18th 1942. […]


Deep Dive with Niish September Changeling Wave

Niish of The Cosmic Salon and James Bartley discuss the importance of this coming September. Much focus has been directed at July 2021 but Niish feels (and James would concur) that what may be coming down the pike in September and beyond has even more profound implications for the Human Race and the Ultimate Disposition of what we call The Soul. James and Niish discuss the Nanotech aspects and A.I. aspects and Predation upon Humans. This is a very important and timely discussion. […]


Commentary 74 An Estimate of the Situation 1948 to The Present

James Bartley discusses the Air Force “Estimate of the Situation” from 1948 which concluded Flying Saucers are interplanetary. James will discuss the videos coming from the US Navy in their historical context. This is not a “new” phenomenon. James also gives his own Estimate of the Situation based on Current Events and Ongoing Trends. […]


Commentary 72: The Woke Military

James discusses the “Woke” military which may have to fight against the Chinese, Russians and Iranians.
James also discusses what happened to two special forces operators…one in the British SAS and one in the U.S. Navy’s DEVGRU (formerly Seal Team Six) and how both came under attack by their own military chain of command […]