
Toxic Feminism & Divine Goddess Programming

Laura Matsue, Eve Lorgen, Kelsea Rai, Mary Anne Fisher and James Bartley discuss the Toxic Feminine and Divine Goddess Programming. The history of the Feminist Movement is discussed as well as the various subtle and overt aspects of Divine Goddess Programming. There is a karmic aspect to Divine Goddess Programming.
This is a fascinating and thought provoking discussion from women who are leaders in the field of investigations into hyperdimensional interference. […]

Area 51

Bartleys Commentary 57

James Bartley discusses the importance of Discernment as a means to ward off Self Delusion and acceptance of nonsense from False Gurus. James rips apart fake “origin” stories being spewed by people on the internet as it relates to the NSA. PART 2 IS NOW UPLOADED […]

Alien Abductions

Pat Jackson Interview

Pat Jackson, an Andromedan and Arcturan Contactee, talks about her experiences with the Draco, Arcturans, Andromedans and other ETs. Pat worked as a psychic within Law Enforcement and came under increasing harassment because of the deep corruption she discovered within the department she worked in. […]


Sachita Interview Reptilian Military Ops

Sachita returns to The Cosmic Switchboard to discuss the Milab Ops she has undertaken on behalf of a certain faction of the Reptilians. Some of these tasks involved assassinations and travel into the Future and back. Sachitatalks about Teleportation, Underground Bases, infiltration of high level reptilian meetings and much more. […]

No Picture

James Bartley Commentary 5

About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. In Part 1 of Bartley‘s Commentaries on The Cosmic Wars, James discusses the possibility that we […]