Poppy was born into a “what the hell is this place” kind of reality in the early 60’s and has sought all her life to find answers to questions like, “How can people do the kinds of things they do?” “Am I a part of an experiment?” and “Am I being watched?”
Poppy’s work and connection with the Mayan energies is about her great love for Pachamama (Earth Mother) and Poppy is happy to work alongside those who truly share this love.
Poppy is a survivor of SRA and extreme trauma during her childhood. Poppy has had encounters with non-human life forms including ETs, Reptilians, Elementals and other beings. Poppy is a student of Mayan Astrology.
In Part 2 Poppy talks about how she applied Natural Healing Modalities to minister to her own health. She also talks about how biowarfare is being used to sicken the population.
Ryan Phillips is an Alien Abductee from the U.K. Ryan has had a lifetimes worth of unusual experiences including Missing Time Experiences and Astral Abductions. Ryan shares some of paranormal experiences he’s had and his Thoughts on this global control system. […]
About James Bartley James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years. James Bartley discusses the supernatural and spiritual aspects behind most of Cultural Marxism and in particular […]
Naome is adept at inner remote viewing, she is a door opener to the quantum world. She gives you the clarity and inner insight to shift into an organic field of pure energy. Naome is […]
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