James Bartley has researched Alien Abductions, Reptilian Abductions and Military Abductions for over twenty five years.
James Bartley discusses the Presidential Election and its aftermath from a higher dimensional perspective beyond the Five Sense Conspiracy. He discusses Clones in the Debates, Timeline Manipulation and the role Artificial Intelligence is playing in today’s world. Bartley’s website is thecosmicswitchboard.com.
Freeman Fly returns as a guest to The Cosmic Switchboard Show. Freeman discusses Stem Cell Research, the cloning of Mummies, Akhenaten and Michael Jackson. […]
Merlina Marcan developed a technique to zoom in and enhance certain features within some of the Orbs. What she found showed a world within a world. Literal Beings sometimes many of them within the orbs. […]
An analysis of Zeitgeist data shows that Hillary Clinton’s lead is fake and that the American people really thought Donald Trump won the 3rd presidential debate. […][…]
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