What MSG is?
Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer. MSG is free glutamate. When MSG is added to food it tricks your brain into thinking there is more protein in the food and you perceive the food as tasting better. MSG is basically a cheap way for manufacturers to trick you into thinking mediocre food is excellent.
Where is MSG found?
MSG is found in lots of different savory foods and not too many sweet foods. In my experience MSG is found most often in Asian foods. Even restaurants that claim there is no MSG still often add MSG. There is one large Chinese food restaurant chain that has a panda in their name that claims that they do not add MSG. I got their ingredients (this was hard to do) and sure enough the food was full of MSG.
MSG is also in a lot of vaccinations.
What does MSG do?
MSG is an excitotoxin. This causes neurons in your brain to excite so much that they die.
MSG Dangers:
Can cause eye damage
Can cause headaches
Can cause heart problems
Can cause kidney problems
Can cause fatigue
Can cause depression
Can cause obesity. – Mice and rats are not naturally obese. When scientists want to get obese rats and mice they inject the rats and mice with MSG and they always become obese.
Can make your thinking foggy
Can harm abilities like intuition
Can be a carcinogen
Can be an endocrine disrupter
The only reason I put the word can is because if you eat a small amount of MSG once it may not do much but if you eat MSG on a regular basis you will probably suffer most of these effects.
What can I do if I have eaten MSG by mistake or am planning on eating something with MSG?
Although eating MSG is not a good thing if you know that you have just eaten MSG or you plan on eating something with MSG Taurine is an antidote for MSG. While it may not remove all the effects of MSG it will lessen the damage that it does to you.
Hidden Sources of MSG
Anything “Autolyzed”
Autolyzed Yeast
Calcium Caseinate
Sodium Caseinate
Glutamic Acid
Anything “Hydrolyzed”
Hydrolyzed Protein
Monopotassium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate
Textured Protein
Yeast Extract
Yeast Food
Yeast Nutrient
Anything “Modified”
Modified Food Starch
A small amount may not be that threatening too you, especially depending on if you are active. However, yes, over 98% of the time they lace so much into a food item that it is excito, and puts you in a mood swing of sorts, or dependency, or brain confusion as to how to handle the excess or clogging. To put like like this, for example, the seasoning packet of ramen noodles : 5% of it under the tongue, or for taste in tiny bit of water may be good, but the whole packet or two packets of seasoning laced with msg: yikes. Plain old glutamine amino acid is good for the gut’s health on empty stomach. 5-10grams.
No amount of free glutamate(MSG) is good, safe or beneficial. MSG is one of the most toxic food additives. I would definitely not recommend putting it under your tongue because you will absorb more of it and absorb it faster. The flavor packets that come with the ramen are mostly toxic ingredients and I would not recommend eating any portion of them.
Glutamate is in a lot of foods and in a bound form it is not dangerous, just the free form of glutamate.
You are correct about glutamine, that is good for the gut’s health and the digestive system.
they put msg in chinese food. I had a blood pressure storm after eating at the chinese buffet… I like chinese food, but not to the point of getting a stroke as part of eating it..